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Qualitative Analysis Projects
Rensselaer Capital Campaign

Rensselaer Capital Campaign

Launching a capital campaign is an important undertaking for an institution, and it is imperative that the campaign communications be strategic and impactful. During our intake meeting, we discovered that the advancement team relied heavily on one-sheet communications delivered to prospective donors in a folder. We moved this important content to…

St. Mark’s Admission Campaign

St. Mark’s Admission Campaign

What do a 14-year-old and 40-year-old have in common? Not much. Then why are enrollment communications created to speak to both segments simultaneously? Rethinking this traditional approach was the foundation for the…

Subculture Zine

Subculture Zine

There are so many fascinating people in the world. Research a sub-culture that you want to know more about, make a presentation, and…

Mobile App Prototype

Mobile App Prototype

Fake it until you make it or prototype it until you develop it. Create a seamless user experience exemplified through a…

Culture Jammed Labels

Culture Jammed Labels

Select a product that you love to hate and culture jam it. Design a label system that creates engagement with an audience about a…

Mobile App Trailer

Mobile App Trailer

Can an audience fall in love with a digital product? Make an engaging promotional trailer that explains the…