Launching a capital campaign is an important undertaking for an institution, and it is imperative that the campaign communications be strategic and impactful. During our intake meeting, we discovered that the advancement team relied heavily on one-sheet communications delivered to prospective donors in a folder. We moved this important content to…
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User Flows Projects
St. Mark’s Admission Campaign
What do a 14-year-old and 40-year-old have in common? Not much. Then why are enrollment communications created to speak to both segments simultaneously? Rethinking this traditional approach was the foundation for the…
Tablet Restaurant Menu
You’re hungry. Pull out your mobile device and order something. Translate the print version of your restaurant menu into a…
Interactive Timeline
Research a topic, develop three user flows, and design an interface of an interactive timeline that the user would…
Augmented Reality Interface
Research a topic, set user goals, develop user flow diagrams, design the interface, and prototype the user experience of an…
Mobile App Prototype
Fake it until you make it or prototype it until you develop it. Create a seamless user experience exemplified through a…